HiWi wanted!

Student/scientific assistant (BA) wanted to support a Citizen Science project in the field of biodiversity monitoring.

The description of the position and further information can be found here!

Please send your application (cover letter and CV) preferably by 15.09.2022 to: wachinger∂dialogik-expert.de and hebermehl∂dialogik-expert.de.

For information about the advertised position, please contact Ms. Wiebke Hebermehl or Dr. Gisela Wachinger, 0176-48844169.

DIALOGIK Non-profit Society for Communication and Cooperation Research
Lerchenstr. 22
70176 Stuttgart
URL: http://www.dialogik-expert.de
Management: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ortwin Renn, Agnes Lampke
AG Stuttgart, HRB 23906