Group photo at the end of the meeting (Stadtwerke Bühl).
On 13.10.2022, took place from 16:00-18:00 the second BioWaWi round table at the Stadtwerke Bühl(Siemensstraße 5, 77815 Bühl).
The projettkeam provided information about the work on the site and was available to answer questions.
The round table advises the BioWaWi project throughout the course of the project. This time the focus was on the project's methods, such as drill stem sounding and biotope type mapping and groundwater modeling. 17 people were present on site and 5 more were able to participate online. Participants were invited to contribute information on local water scarcity related to the 2022 summer drought. The water bodies that are running dry and unusually low water levels are recorded on maps of the Balzhofen, Landmatt and Kappler Wald water protection areas. If you have more information about this, please feel free to write to biowawi∂dialogik-expert de, we will call you back!
The maps shown can be found here: PDF